Mastering the Invitation – Part 1 of 2
What is the #1 Skill in network marketing? I believe it’s mastering the invitation.
If you want to get really, really good and make a lot of money, you need to get good at mastering the invitation. There’s an art and science to mastering the invitation and if you don’t do it right, it can actually have a negative impact on your business.
When you first get started in this industry it’s like a training ground where you learn the science of mastering the invitation but you’re also going to run into a few problems along the way with looking inauthentic and coming off as the “bait and switch” guy/girl.
So why is mastering the invitation one of the (if not the) most important skill in network marketing?
Simple. You don’t have to be a great presenter, you don’t have to be a great sales person, you don’t have to be a wealth of knowledge about products or features and benefits, you don’t have to be the best closer etc, because tools and leaders do that far more effective than most people can.
But what tools don’t do nearly as effectively as people can is get others in front of the tools!
So here’s one quick idea that I want to share with you that I believe can help you out a ton.
This goes back to my friend Byron who referred to our company as an “idea”. And remember thinking, “Why are you calling this an idea? It’s not an idea it’s a business.”
But the more I started using that, the more I started mastering the invitation. The reason is, people associate experiences or knowledge to everything they hear, see, smell, taste, or touch.
So no matter what you say to someone, if it’s something that can be translated into an association, they’re going to prejudge and make assumptions based on previous experience and associations.
But try to do that with an idea…
You can’t because an idea is just a bunch of possibility that is determined by how that idea is revealed.
Don’t tell them anything until you can show them everything.
Using the word idea is one of the fastest ways to mastering the invitation!
So start using the word idea and stay tuned for part 2 coming up for more tips on mastering the invitation.
Make Life An Adventure!