This is a special edition of Motivational Monday! It’s the 100th edition and I’ve been wanting to share this video for a long time but have been waiting for the best time.
This is as good as time as any.
This is a hilarious skit that I LOVE because the message is so simple yet so profound. While I understand that we all have different experience and varying circumstances in our lives, and I’m not taking away from any kind of professional therapy, it really ultimately comes down to something as simple as what is in this message.
When we do stuff that is not leading us closer to our goals, happiness, and living a fulfilling life, we really should just stop doing it and begin to do things that DO lead us to the lives we desire.
We sometimes waste years and years of our lives analyzing and picking apart the stories we make about what we can and cannot do. We spend immeasurable amounts of energy trying to convince ourselves that our limiting beliefs are true.
It’s those “stories” that stop us from achieving the massive abundance of success that is available to each and every person on this planet.
And once we clear through all the stories we make up about why we are the way we are, it ALWAYS ends up at a point where these 2 words change everything.
I remember striving to become a millionaire and all the baggage that came with it. And once I finally achieved that goal, I looked back and it hit me like a ton of bricks!
Becoming a millionaire was not really that hard at all. The hardest thing about it for me (and A LOT of other people) is believing that I, Matt Morris, could ACTUALLY do it!
It was my limiting beliefs that slowed my progress down and I had all the evidence to prove why it was impossible for me to achieve millionaire status. I wasn’t groomed for success in any way. I was living out of my car lucky to get real shower at a truck stop from time to time. I had a large amount of debt weighing over my head, I had no connections, no network of supportive like minded people, and I was broke!
The evidence was there plain as day to support my limiting beliefs that I couldn’t do it but…
One day, something happened that changed everything. I was listening to a motivational audio program and it hit me…
I realized that I controlled my thoughts, I controlled my beliefs, I controlled my choices and regardless of whatever evidence I was surrounded by and what circumstances I was faced with in my life, NO ONE had the power over me to control the stories in my head.
And I decided THAT DAY to STOP IT! To stop telling myself I couldn’t and start telling myself I would find a way NO MATTER WHAT.
And that my friend is all she wrote!
It’s a simple testimony of how powerful we can become when we stop focusing on things we don’t want, reasons why we can’t do it, and what we don’t have and shift that focus to what we do want, why we CAN achieve it, and realize that we are already equipped with the ONLY thing we truly need to create success…
The power to control our own thoughts, re-shape our beliefs, and take action to find or acquire the resources we need to make our lives the EXACT way we want them!
So in this 100th edition of Motivational Monday, I wanted to give you a good mixture of passion and humor and remind you that you already have everything you need and if you have stories reporting in your mind slowing or eliminating your progress…
P.S. It’s OK to wash your hands a lot! LOL 🙂