On November 28th we lost a great legend in motivation and inspiration. I’ve listened to Zig Ziglar’s work over and over again and it’s added a ton of value to my life.
So for this edition of Motivational Monday I wanted to pay respect to a great man, a great leader, and a great catalyst for positive change in the world.
It’s very difficult to choose the most inspiring gift Zig left us, but after a lot of thinking about my biggest lesson I learned I decided that his message on ATTITUDE is what I wanted to share.
I love this story because of the dramatic shift in the woman’s life that took place and how she told him that everything and everyone she told him was making her life miserable magically and dramatically changed when in reality, the ONLY thing that changed was her attitude and perspective.
No matter what you have or don’t have in life, it’s not the circumstances that make it what it is, it’s your perspective about those circumstances that create the meaning for you in your life.
The second you start looking for what’s right in your life, you’ll find it. The second you start looking for what’s good in you rife you’ll find it. But if you never work on YOU, nothing around you will change.
Because the truth is, life is not fair sometimes, it’s not easy sometimes, and there are challenges and adversity in every one of our lives.
The trick is to fully understand, we can’t control all of those those circumstances or all of the adversity in our lives but we DO have 100% control and power on how we look at those things and what we do with them.
And Zig Ziglar was a champion at teaching millions of people this truth that ultimately made a huge positive impact not just to the individual people but to the entire world through a powerful ripple effect.
Success in everything in life ALWAYS without exception starts with you and ends with you and your attitude and perspective that drives your actions determines all of it…
Have you been touched by Zig Ziglars work? I know I have and I wanted to
thank Zig for his undying efforts and work to make the world a better place. You are loved and will be missed…
Even though he’s gone from our world, he will I’ve in forever in the hearts and lives of others…