This isn’t a rah rah motivational story. It’s not something that will really pump you up and fill your veins full of excitement.
It IS a very powerful story full of insights and very powerful powerful questions that, if you answer them honestly, will light a fire in your heart so bright, you won’t be able to put it out!
This is an amazing, intimate, personal story of Andreas Franssons near fatal accident to rising back to the top. The insights, distinctions, and questions asked in this video are some of the most powerful, profound, and life changing things I’ve ever heard!
Reflecting on these things before you embark on any journey will change your perceptions, your actions, your drive, your commitment, and enhance your ability to extract your own power!
To me, this isn’t a movie about skiing, it’s a direct and beautifully honest look into the mind of one man overcoming extreme fear, adversity, and an accident that nearly killed him, and finding the strength, courage, and inspiration to go on anyway, to live with power anyway, to master himself in spite of every reason he has to not master himself!
In the beginning of the video it shows him climbing down a mountain and just as the avalanche of snow, ice, and rock reaches him that swept him off the mountain, broke his neck and many other bones in his body, and nearly killed him, it shows a series of pictures of his life flashing before his eyes.
Then it picks up with his journey of getting back into the game, no, back into HIS game of life!
Absolutely mind blowing stuff!
I wanted to write out the powerful questions, insights, and distinctions with a slight twist on some of them to relate them to everyday life for you here as well so you can copy them and plaster them all around your house as a reminder every day.
Thank you Andreas Fransson for sharing your courage, passion, and powerful mindset!
Could you get the thrill of your life and feel truly alive if you knew it was perfectly safe?
Could your consciousness be completely in the moment if you didn’t know failure could destroy your life as you know it?
Would life be a game worth playing at all if the outcome was certain?
Fear and doubt follow me the whole way… But I wasn’t going to let them win…
I wouldn’t call it a “clean decent” but it feels great to be back on the horse!
Fear is definitely stronger when alone compared to when being shared…
To be able to move forward in the face of fear, doubt, and uncertainty the only to do is to face the sensations willingly…
Our inner self is always striving for the way of least resistance but creating success beyond what you currently have is quite the opposite.
Is my craving for the objective stronger than my will to run away?
For hours I sat gazing out at the vast landscape, then slowly my view shifted more and more inside myself… (You’re power is inside you of you, not outside in your goals, objectives, or anything else external).
It’s more of a mind game where problem solving and keeping ones cool is much more important than the actual “goal”…
From stillness, the unnecessary sinks to the depths and disappears, left behind is a clear and beautiful world and grains of what I’d call happiness…
For no good reason, just a bad gut feeling, I turned around just an hour into my first attempt. 2 hours later we were rattled awake in our tents by the roar of ice, snow, and rocks falling down the mountain exactly where I would have been… Rule #1 ALWAYS trust your gut!
Rebels and visionaries are rarely celebrated in their own time but it’s always their breakthroughs in consciousness that tomorrows reality will be built upon.
And by far, the most powerful quote from this short video for me is this:
I realized the end does not mean pushing until death, it means pursuing your dreams until the uncertainty, risk, and adventure begin to fade. For at that point, what was supposed to be magic will simply become routine, the exact opposite of it’s intention…