This is great video on the fundamentals of success. It’s got simple wisdom, humor, it’s only 3 minutes long, and it lays out the 8 most important elements needed to create success in any area of your life compiled from 500 interviews over 7 years!
I LOVE simple advise and wisdom so here it is:
1. Passion – Do what you love
2. Work – Work hard and have FUN!
3. Good – Get good at what you do through practice
4. Focus – Stay focused on 1 thing and master it
5. Push – Push yourself
6. Serve – Serve others something of value
7. Ideas – Capture and create new ideas
8. Persist – Persist through EVERYTHING that stands in your way
This takes people decades to figure out through experience. But when you adopt these things as a lifestyle, success just sort of happens and it doesn’t have to take very long at all.
The crazy thing is, most people do some of these things every day anyway, so why not just combine them all and watch what happens? Maybe make it a 90 day experiment and see what success you can create in your life by applying and living by these 8 things.
I think most people will be shocked at what happens. I don’t like to associate the word magic with success but when you do these things, ALL of them, it does create some magic in your life.
But you MUST do ALL of them. If you work hard but don’t have fun, you’ll quit because you’ll lose your motivation. If you work hard and have fun but don’t have passion and love for either what you’re doing or what it provides you, you’ll quit.
If you are not willing to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, you’ll never enter new areas that have new resources and opportunities.
And this applies to all of these things. When you create your success values based around this simple little 3 minute video, you will have successfully cracked the code on any success you want in your life!
Time to get to livin’ 🙂