This is a great story that illustrates perfectly what it looks like to have a dream and go after it NO MATTER WHAT!
It’s also a great example of how huge the impact can be when one person chooses to NEVER let their goals die.
Arnold changed the face of the sport of body building like Tiger Woods changed the face of the sport of golf all because his relentless desire and drive to achieve his goals.
And he did it WITH all of the obstacles most people face when they chase their dreams.
He didn’t have a lot of time and could have easily let that stop him. After getting up early every morning, running in heavy combat boots, doing all of his hard labor all day, and going back to the barracks where everyone else just passed out and went to sleep, the magic started.
That’s not when he stopped but when he went to work on making his dreams come true.
- He wasn’t supported by his peers, his family, and most importantly, his father called him an embarrassment to the family. But he didn’t let that stop him.
People ridiculed him and made fun of him… But he didn’t let that stop him. - He didn’t have any of the gear or weights or equipment he needed… But he didn’t let that stop him.
- He continued to persevere even though all of consequences, even the risk of being put in solitary confinement in a military jail! But he didn’t let that stop him.
- All of the physical evidence around him was screaming at him to give it up and just fall in line (which he did get caught and was put in solitary). But he didn’t let that stop him.
He had self doubt, like everyone does. He questioned what he was doing and asked himself if he was doing the right thing. He pushed all of that aside and went for it!
He took the risk with a pin pointed laser focus on one thing, becoming a world champion and his dedication to his dream was so strong, he started winning people over and they started to slowly support him over time.
And because of one mans dedication to his dream, he literally changed the world for 100’s of millions of people.
He became not just a world champion but Mr. Universe and changed the face of body building and brought more awareness to fitness paving the way others to follow that have literally transformed 100’s of millions of peoples lives and increased the health, vitality, and energy of the entire world!
He’s entertained millions of people with his movies, made tons of money, lived an amazing life, and even became a Governor.
I don’t think he was thinking “I’m going to be Governor of California one day if I follow my dreams” while he was laying in his cot in the military barracks in Austria!
It’s an amazing testament to show what can happen and how often times, new doors open that you never even dreamed could have opened for you, when you chase your dreams with the intention of catching them and you refuse to “listen to the “NO”…