One Of The TOP Rules For Success
I just spoke at a huge event and was on stage in front of thousands of people and I LOVED it!
It was exciting, fulfilling, energizing, and FUN! And that’s what this Motivational Monday is all about, having fun.
Many people forget the importance of fun in their work and in their lives and that’s a critical mistake because fun is the fuel that dissolves overwhelm, frustration, and lack of progress paving the way for massive success.
When you look at your life chicness are you see what most people see, the huge list of things you have to do, have to get done, and the responsibilities that you hold on your shoulders.
And when you look at that stuff, and focus ONLY on that stuff, even before you actual DO anything, how does it make you feel?
Tired, run down, frustrated, overwhelmed, etc and you haven’t even started doing anything yet!
But when you incorporate some fun into the mix, it has an almost magical power to make you CRAVE that stuff. A lot of people would be scared to death to get on a stage in front of that many people (or even get on a stage in front of 2 people) and I used to be that way. But when I shifted my perspectives, and made it a fun thing, I started to LOVE it and was seeking more opportunities to do it.
What once was a heavy sack of everything I didn’t want in my life, turned into an enjoyable and energizing activity for me because I made it fun.
And here’s the best part. After the event, we all went out and had some more fun and went and raced exotic cars! The fun just doesn’t quit in my life but it’s not that way by accident.
I had to construct my life that way. I wasn’t always successful and I didn’t always enjoy the financial freedom I enjoy today but even back then, I had to start to learn how to add fun in my work and in my life.
I believe that is a key element to not just success, but very fulfilling success that energizes you and inspires you to create even more success in your life!
Plus, lives WAY to short to not have any fun and if you don’t condition yourself and train yourself to do it now, you won’t be very good at it when you’re older.
Which is why I chose this video for Motivational Monday. Not only is it hilarious but it represents a couple who obviously learned how to have a lot of fun in their relationship. And my guess is, a couple like this will have a lot of great, happy, fulfilling, and successful years together BECAUSE they know how to have fun.
So give life all you’ve got, leave nothing on the field when the game is over, follow your heart, fill your life with passion, and never EVER forget to have fun on the journey!