Take Time To Take Care of YOU!
In this episode of Motivational Monday I wrote something very special for a friend of mine who, like many, gives and gives and gives but still doesn’t see his true value in this world.
The thing is, he’s created a ton of success, has an amazing reputation and is respected in his field among all of the top leaders, and he’s made a powerful and positive impact on the world through his work, built an awesome happy healthy and loving family, and has literally transformed peoples lives all across the world in ways no one else on the planet could have done.
But sometimes he forgets that he’s a human being like the rest of us. He forgets that if he doesn’t take time for himself, everything else will eventually crumble down around him and everything he’s worked to create in his life will fade away.
He, like most people who are running at 10 million miles an hour, sometimes forget that they are the energy source for all of the success they created in their lives and if that energy source every burns out, ALL the lights go out!
So this episode of Motivational Monday is dedicated to my friend who I love like a brother (and it just so happens that all of us can benefit from this message as well).
And when I found this video by Jada Pinkett-Smith talking about this topic, I thought, :This is a shining and appropriate message because if anyone in this world is insanely busy and being pulled in 10,000 different directions BECAUSE of their success, it’s a wife and mother of one of the most in demand Hollywood celebs out there so Jada knows what she’s talking about from first hand, real world experience”.
See, there’s a magical place that has no keys to the doors to enter into it, no street signs to find it, no coordinates on a GPS system, and no invitations to go there.
It’s a place that not every person gets to enter in their life but the people who do get to that place are rewarded with something the people who don’t make it to that place, envy and desire their entire lives.
This place has many names but the most common name for this place is called success and there’s a very good reason there are no keys, no signs, and no invitations to this place.
Because it’s 100% defined by you based on you’re own desires, your past experience, your past failures, your current mindset, and your current beliefs about what and who you are and what and who you can become, and that is unique to you and you alone.
This place is different for everyone. For some it means peace of mind, for others it means amassing wealth, and for others it’s as simple as finding happiness in the smallest things in life, while for others it means something entirely out of the scope of what mainstream success is defined as.
But there is one universal instruction for ALL of us who every want to make to this place so many seek to get to…
To get to this place in your life, you must not seek to become better than another person, you must not seek to surpass another persons achievements, and you must not chase the “thing” that defines success for you.
To get to this place what you MUST do is look inward and have one single focused intention, to become a better, stronger, faster, smarter, and wiser version of yourself today than you were yesterday.
And when you can do that, the door reveals itself to you, you hold the key to unlock it, the map of how to get there reveals it’s secrets, and you don’t need an invitation to go there because you ARE there.
But, and here’s the rub, when we put the pedal to the metal and go all out in creating inspiration that compels action, we tend to forget to take time to take care of us!
And the most important thing to remember about all of this is, it ALL flows through you. You are the source of every experience, every emotion, every idea, every thought, and every action in your life so it’s vital that YOU take care of YOU first, the source of all of your experience in life.
Your body, your mind, your heart, your spirit, your soul… In your journey to serve your purpose in this life, be sure to tend to these things first because in doing so, your success is 100% guaranteed and you win the game before you ever even step foot on the field.
ALWAYS push hard, drive strong, give life every ounce you have to give, dream big, and never give up on your dreams, goals, hopes, and desires and apply that same power and focus to taking care of “you” all along the way and you’re life will continue to be amazing and only get more and more amazing as the years come and go…