Live Young!
So I was talking to a friend the other day and he told me about a man who was turning 104 years old he’d just met. The man was moving some things getting ready for carpet cleaners to come clean his carpets.
My friend said he was a little hunched over from scoliosis but he was getting around and very active. When my friend suggested the man sit down and let him help him, the man looked at him, cocked his head sideways looking a little confused, and said:
“Son, there is no reason to sit down. I have things I want to do and sitting down will not only prevent me from doing the things I want to do, sitting down is not something I want to do!
I’m turning 104 in 8 days and we are going to have one heckuva party and I need to prepare some things for my guests.”
Then he said, “You, my kids, and most of the rest of the world think I’m old. But in my mind, I’ve always made the choice to live young. How in the hell else do you think I’ve made it to my 104th birthday party and I can still keep up with the 80 year old young bucks?”
WOW! Not only does that put a big fat smile on my face but it’s a great reminder and a real life lesson from someone walking the walk.
You’re old when you start living old. I know some people in their late 30’s that are old and others in their 70’s who are young and vibrant.
Opportunity to enjoy life and create success really isn’t bound by age, it’s bound or released from your mind and self perception.
And funny enough, after I heard this story I saw this video about living young. I think it’s the perfect compliment to celebrate this mans attitude, mindset, and 104th birthday!
It’s an advertisement for water but the message is awesome! How do you see yourself? You ALWAYS have the ability to alter your perspective of yourself, your life, and the world around you. And I can tell you from having young kids, kids have got it figured out. They DO see the world as their playground. The DO see the world as an endless sea of opportunity to create a fun filled, engaging, and fulfilling life!
Live young, find fun, spread happiness and joy, and create amazing memories and experience in your life because in the end, those things are the true measure of a successful life!