Look around… People are watching you!
We all know that people are drawn to drama. All of us have been guilty of doing it. Things like slowing down and “rubbernecking” to get a better view of the broken down car on the side of the road. (And the dirty little secret that we never want to admit or tell anyone is, we don’t always slow down and look to see if we can help, sometimes we slow down and look to see if there is any shock factor to be had!)
It’s human nature to observe other people.
What we don’t always realize is, it’s not just the drama stuff we observe and notice. People are watching us all of the time. Of course our kids and families see just about everything we do and our behavior in just about every situation in life.
But perfect strangers are watching too and, you’re watching them…
What you do, how you do it, and your behavior has an impact on those people just the same as what they do, how they do it, and their behavior impacts you.
There was a study done by some really smart people that proved when human beings experience an act of kindness or love, regardless of whether or not they were actively involved or just simply observing it, the “feel good” juices in their brain fired up and produced more.
And of course, when you are feeling good, inspired, and happy, your behaviors and actions reflect that in your interactions with others.
So it’s kind of like you have this amazing power to create a perpetual motion machine of goodness that starts to spread across the world person by person all from something as simple as one person doing something good, helpful, kind, or selfless for another person.
See, no matter what you want in your life, it’s very easy to get it if you’re observant and patient. All you need to do is take action by performing a series of small acts of giving, kindness, or love and it will spread across the world like the ripples in a pond from a pebble.
And then all of that kindness, generosity, goodness, and love comes back to you in some way or another.
It’s sad that some people think they have no presence or power or purpose in this life when the reality is, that’s the furthest thing from the truth.
The real truth is, ALL of us have power and purpose and we don’t have to be on a stage or under a spotlight to exercise it.
Many people just aren’t aware of how many people they impact every single day. They don’t realize how many people actually see them and are watching what they do. And they don’t understand the powerful and massive impact they have on the entire world just from living their day to day lives.
And that is the purpose of this Motivational Monday. To create an awareness of how HUGE of an impact you can and do have on a global scale that you probably don’t even realize.
There is always going to be “good and bad” stuff in this world, and we have the choice to perpetuate either one every day.
As you watch this video for episode of Motivational Monday, notice how the people who were treated with kindness return the favor later in their life.
While this is a video that was produced for a reason, life works the same way.
As you go through your day to day, always remember that people are watching and they do see what you do. You don’t have to be famous, well known, super exposed, or anything like that. You already ARE making an impact, and without you, the world would be a different place in ways none of us ever could imagine!
Spread the love, perpetuate prosperity and health, create positivity, and ALWAYS remember…
One person, you included, has the power to change the entire world with the most simple actions!
All my love to you 🙂