You Have Power, A LOT Of Power! In fact, something you did yesterday very likely altered the course of another persons life.
My wife Rhonda was the recent recipient of one of those pay it forward activities at Starbucks where the person in front of her paid for her order and so on. Who knows how long it went on but the guy at Starbucks said it had continued all day long and of course, she kept it going.
On it’s surface, it can seem to be just a simple, fun, small act of random kindness but, even though it may seem like a simple little idea, the affects it has on people has the power to alter the course of not only a day, but an entire life.
This video clearly illustrates that and the impact it has is really something that’s impossible for us to see because we take a second in our stride, take and action, and continue on about our day. There’s really no way of knowing how your kindness will impact others and what they will do with it but you can always know that you did one thing with 100% certainty, you created an opportunity for that person that can, and usually does, make your life better.
You don’t know who they will pass it onto or even if they will, but you know you gave it so you know they have it and just like the construction worker in this video, it can come full circle.
One thing I know and believe is this, if we all perpetuate kindness, love, compassion, and support to others, the chances of that being the predominate way we are treated back are very high.
And it goes both ways.
If we all perpetuate is selfishness, greed, judgement, and anger, the chances of that being the predominate way we are treated back are very high.
You shape the world around you by your influence and that influence combined with small, simple, quick actions give you the incredible power to define the kind of world you live in every day and shape your life.
I think we sometimes miss the power of the impact we have in life because we rarely, if ever, see or hear about the person who bought the hungry homeless man one warm meal but we hear about the sponsored food drives. We don’t hear about the person who took off their jacket on a cold windy day to drape it over an elderly woman who was freezing but we hear about Salvation Army coat and blanket drive.
And I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that, in fact, quite the opposite. Those companies and organization do A LOT of good and help a ton of people. I’ve been on amazing trips where we built schools of out old plastic bottles for the kids and developed a source of clean fresh water for people in need. It never would have happened without the support of my company and it’s foundation and it’s had such a powerful impact on so many lives I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am for it.
But there are different levels of this stuff. The bigger more orchestrated efforts by foundations and companies create the opportunity for people like us to be there in an intimate setting which creates the opportunity for us to sit with these amazing kids and people and when you can experience the intimate connection of the powerful look of gratitude in a persons eyes for doing something as simple as getting them a drink, it sort of changes your perspective on life and has a deeper impact on you personally.
But that’s really hard, if not almost impossible to show on a mass scale which is why I like sharing these videos. Because it’s not just about being being a “good person”, it’s about creating a magical life full of richness, fulfillment, happiness, contentment, and success for you! And YOU have the power to create that, right here, right now, by your influence on the world that is directly around you every day, no matter where you’re at in this world.
It doesn’t take a lot, if any, money and it only costs a few seconds to care but the impact of those few seconds can change the course of the world and will certainly change the experience of your life in a positive way.
Those few seconds can open up opportunities that you never would have seen. They can create lifelong relationships, business deals, and best of all, they WILL create an environment that is fertile for all kinds of success…
Be sure and share this one, it’s a good one! 🙂