I love the message in this video. It’s not saying you have to be perfect. It’s not saying you have to be flawless.
There are a couple key messages here and both are centered around the necessity to of taking action.
1. Surround yourself with people who are “better” than you because it will make you better.
Yvonne mentions this in a subtle way by saying, “I’ll be the first to admit, in athletics, men are faster and stronger than women so even in a workout, I’m always being pushed.”
2. The advice from her coach. Not every effort you make is going to be a stellar effort. 8 out of 10 time times, it’s going to be “normal”. 1 out of every 10 times it’s going to suck. You’re going to feel like everything you put in is a half-hearted effort. You’ll put in the full effort but it won’t feel like it.
But it’s that 1 other time in taking action that really counts. It’s that one other time taking action where you get all juice, all the power, all the growth, all the confidence, and all the results of your success shine.
That 1 time when you feel smarter, faster, stronger, and like no matter what obstacles or challenges are put in front of you, none of them stand a chance.
It requires that you do it 10 times. It requires action. It requires the same amount of effort whether you’re coasting through in a routine way, having a super sucky day, or having that stellar ultra powerful day.
It’s the constant effort thou put in your actions that create the opportunity for you to have those stellar days and the secret is, when you do have those days, you push yourself harder and longer than you ever have before because that’s when you take the lead. Those are the moments you blow past your old best. Those are the times you step into a new realm of personal power.
And it can only happen from taking action.
Make Life An Action Packed Adventure,