Leadership is a decision. Create your world and inspire others.
Realize Your Potential – Motivational Monday
Imagine being in your deathbed – and standing around your bed is the ghost of the dreams, the ideas, the abilities, the talent – given to you by life but for whatever reason never pursued those dreams. You never acted on those ideas. You never used those gifts. You never used those talents, and there they are, staring at you, as you are lying on your bed. With large angry eyes, they say ” We came to YOU, and only YOU could have given us life. And now, we must die with you… forever…”
And the question is… If you die today, what dreams, what talents, what abilities, what gifts, what ideas would die with you.
The wealth is placed in the planet. It’s the cemetery, that’s where you see potential never realized. There you find books never written. There you find ideas never acted on. To reach the point of death and to realize that you’ve never lived is not a life worth living.
Realize your potential today and everyday. The road you travel is your legacy. Leave a record that no one can ignore. Use your potential so when the day comes – the day that you lay down and think about your life, you can be proud of the road you’ve traveled.
Realize your potential. Motivational Monday.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author