Coming to you from Exuma, Bahamas, one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been! We got a house on the beach for about 10 days and just took the car exploring around the island a bit and stumbled on this awesome bar and grill restaurant. It’s just so beautiful here! I wanted to record a quick show about a question that seems to be coming up a lot (and always comes up a lot): how do I stay motivated in network marketing?
Especially in network marketing, sometimes there’s a lot of frustration, right? Maybe things aren’t always going the way you want it to go. Maybe you have a challenge with recruiting, selling your products, selling your services and you don’t have the skill set. I get it, it’s REALLY frustrating!
Sometimes it’s just dealing with people — you may have a handful of people on your team and they’re not doing anything, or even worse they end up quitting. You may feel like you’re trying to make chickens fly all the time…
Listen, I spent FIVE YEARS getting to a full-time income. That’s right, five whole years of frustration. I had to deal with that by myself most times thinking “how do I stay motivated in network marketing?”
How do I get myself to continue going when it seems like I don’t have the skills…
When it seems like I can’t get it all together…
I’ll tell you what I did in the video below!
Thanks for tuning in! If you found value in this post feel free to share it around.
Make Life An Adventure!
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author
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