Welcome back to Episode 5 in the closing series – How to Overcome Objections in Network Marketing
If you haven’t seen the first 4 episodes in the Closing Series, I recommend that you watch those:
Episode 1: How To Overcome Objections in Network Marketing
Episode 2: Framework For Overcoming Objections
Episode 3: Overcoming the, “I don’t have the money” Objection
Episode 4: Overcoming the “I want to think about” Objections
People learn different strategies for success all the time but what separates the average from the extraordinary is not just learning new things but MASTERING them. And one of the the most effective ways to master success or anything in life really is through repetition.
So I’m going to keep drilling this into you over and over again throughout this closing series on how to overcome objections in network marketing so you can not only learn but MASTER this framework.
And todays episode is no different, we ALWAYS go back to the framework on how to overcome objections in network marketing. Always, always, always!
In any situation where you’re promoting your business or opportunity to anyone, remember to use this framework with objections and, again, ALWAYS remember these 2 things:
1. Your objective is to sort, not sell
2. Your goal is to progress to the point you become a consultant that has one purpose, to help them overcome and solve their problems/challenges (AFTER you sort).
So in this episode I’m going to cover one the most difficult objections we hear in network marketing:
“I want to talk to my spouse or significant other about it…”
This can be a little tricky and I struggled with it for years. On one hand, it’s important to be confident and assertive but at the same time, you always want to be respectful. So how do you handle the “I want to talk to my spouse or significant other about it” objection?
Go back to the framework!
Question 1: You know what John, I totally here what you’re saying. But is it really that you need to talk to your spouse or is that just your polite way of saying no?
If they really don’t want to do it, just shake their hand and thank them for taking a look at it.
If they say something like, no I just really need to talk to my wife/spouse.
Question #2: Great, no problem, tell me this, do you really want to do this? Assuming he/she’s OK with it of course? (Have him convince you that he wants to do it)
Question #3: Are you sure? Are you serious? Do you really want to do it?
Now, once you’ve got them selling you on why they want to do it, your only job is to be a consultant. To help them work through whatever it is that’s holding them back from getting started.
Question #4: “So assuming you want to do it let me ask you this, do you want to make a little bit of money or A LOT of money?
Of course they’re going to say “A LOT OF MONEY!” Then you say:
“That’s great, let me give you some coaching then. There are 2 ways that this works. Because if you go home and you try to explain to your significant other they are NOT going to be excited. They didn’t see it the way you saw it. Even if you have the best memory in the world, you’re only going to be explain about 10%-20% of what you saw tonight. And so the way for them to get excited about it is for them to see it the way you saw it!“
So here’s the way it works if you really want to do this:
1. You and I, RIGHT NOW, we go see him/her and let me explain this to him/her. Let me walk through the process with him/her so he/she gets an excitement that you have right now.
2. Go ahead and fill out the paperwork/application. I’m going to hold onto it and when you go home I want you to have him/her watch this video. (NOTE: It’s VERY important to use the tools your company has of this purpose. You’re doing 2 things here. First, you’re using a proven and effective method. Second, you’re training them and showing them that they do not need to be a sales person and they simply need to use the exact same tools)
But when you sit down with him/her let them know that this is something that you’ve already joined and you show it to him/her. What happens is it shows a level of commitment and they will end up having more belief about what you’re doing.
Now, if he/she sees the video and it blows up and it’s going to ruin you’re marriage, you call me! I’m not going to put in your application until you tell me it’s okay. If you call and tell me to rip it up, I shred it and we part as friends.
And THAT’S the way you make it work IF you really want to do this, okay? Which option would you prefer?
Then you just let him/her make the decision.
Again, this is nothing more than following the framework laid out here.
Always use this basic framework on how to handle objections in network marketing.
Don’t over think it, it’s really simple. Don’t ever complicate it, it’s really simple. Don’t think you can’t do this, it’s really simple!
If you just DO it, you’ll see how amazingly well it works and always remember it’s a sorting business versus a selling business!
Make Life An Adventure!