In this edition of Ask Me Anything TV Jean in Illinois asks:
“I’ve been in network marketing for about a year. I have a team of about 30 people I’ve been stuck at for 6 months. How to I motivate them to take action?”
That’s a great question and one a lot of people ask. The first thing to ALWAYS understand is, the speed of the group is determined by the speed of the leader. You’ve probably heard that before and nothing could be further from the truth and not just in network marketing, but in all business and in life!
If you want your team to produce, YOU have to go out and produce yourself.
Think about if you were looking for leadership. Would you be attracted to someone who produced personal results or someone who just talked a big game? Would you be more inclined to produce if your sponsor was personally enrolling new team members every month or just expected their down-line to do it?
It’s all centered around belief and the old saying, “Seeing is believing” is very true in this instance with a twist. In this case it’s about seeing action instead of talking about action!
The next thing to ALWAYS remember is, group momentum always comes after personal momentum.
Success in network marketing requires action, and action requires belief. And the best way to motivate or to get anyone to find the belief that they can do it is to show them by doing it yourself.
Your team will look at you as their leader and their belief in themselves and their ability to produce revolves around your action and results. If your team sees you enrolling 10 people in 2 months, they will say, “If Jean can do 10, I can surely do 5”.
What you want to avoid is trying to turn people into something they’re not. There are 2 types of people in network marketing, chickens and eagles.
The chickens are going to show up pluck around but never really do much except take up space and leave a nice mess of droppings!.
Then you have the eagles. The eagles have all the same challenges as everyone else. They don’t like their jobs, they don’t have enough money to make ends meet, etc…
The difference between the chickens and the eagles is, the eagles will actually go do something about it.
Now, people you might think are chickens can sometimes be eagles in training. You can spot them by their actions. Do they go to the events? Do they follow direction and take action? Do they complain all the time? Do they play victim and the “blame game”?
And most importantly, do they SHOW UP and try?
What you want to do to motivate your team into taking action is sort through the chickens and find the eagles!
Because no matter how hard you try to make a chicken fly, you’ll never succeed and in fact, you can use up all your time, energy and resources to the point of burn out if you do and end up covered in chicken shit!
But eagles are BORN TO SOAR! They just need a little guidance and direction to show them how to soar.
So Jean, here’s my best advice to you. Become the eagle yourself and go out and enroll 10 people in a short period of time! Because there is no problem in network marketing that can’t be solved by enrolling 10 people!
And if you have any advice on how you motivate your team for Jean, share it in the comments section below!
Thanks for your question Jean, “How To Motivate Your Team In Network Marketing? ” and look out for an email from my team with your free copy of my Abundance For Life program!
Make Life An Adventure!