Do you know what the #1 fear in the world is?
Most people will say “The Fear of Public Speaking” but in reality, it’s the fear of rejection.
Today’s question directly ties to that fear of rejection.
It’s from Elena in Greece. Elena asks:
“I’m new to network marketing and my first 2 prospects fully shot me down I was so let down and now, I’m having a hard time showing my business to anyone else out of fear. How do I deal with fear of rejection?”
I’ve got a lot of personal experience with rejection and it took me a long time, listening and applying what my mentors taught me, to find a way to get past that massive fear of rejection that is so prevalent in the network marketing industry.
If you come with the overall philosophy or mindset that you absolutely must get this certain prospect enrolled, it breeds fear. And people can smell that fear of rejections because your so attached to the outcome. In fact, it’s that attachment that creates a breeding ground for fear rejection.
What you have to understand in network marketing is, it’s not your job to enroll someone. It’s to expose people to see it and understand it and that’s it!
They are going to make the decision to join or not and if you’ve provided on opportunity for them to see and understand it, you’ve done your job.
All good network marketing companies have tools that do the selling part for you to help eliminate the fear of rejection, your job is to simple show people those tools.
Disassociate yourself from the outcome, use the tools your company provides you, practice how you set up your network marketing opportunity, and focus your energy on getting those tools in front of people realizing that they are going to make the decision and either way, it doesn’t matter because it’s a number game.
Most importantly… MAKE Network Marketing FUN!
Now I want to hear from you! If you have additional tips and tricks for Alaina, feel free to chime in in the comments section below.
Thanks for your question Elena, “How to Overcome The Fear Of Rejection In Network Marketing” and look out for an email from my team with your free copy of my Abundance For Life program!
Make Life An Adventure!