As a network marketer, you’ve got to learn to appreciate the noes.
The 2 Letters A Great Network Marketer Can Appreciate
What are the two letters that hold you back from greatness as a network marketer?
I could probably say there’s a lot of different words that hold you back as a network marketer but I think this is the one word that more than anything else holds people back.
You can also say it’s a four letter word and that four letter word would be fear. It’s fear of someone saying the two letter word which is “no” or sometimes it’s, “You’re crazy. I can’t believe you’re doing this. You’re never gonna make it. Those things don’t work.” Whatever it is.
If you can get over those two words, there’s no limit to the amount of success that you can have.
My Biggest Success as a Network Marketer
My biggest key to success, especially in the company that I’m in, is the fact that I’ve gotten a lot of noes.
I would say I’ve gotten about a thousand personal rejections.
I’ve sponsored a little over 300 people in the last 10 years. And I probably enroll one out of every three people that I give a presentation to so maybe it’s a little less than that.
That’s led to a lot.
I wouldn’t be living the life I have right now if I never got over those two words.
Last year I traveled to 27 different countries. I’ve traveled to over 80 countries total and have seen six out of the Seven Wonders of the world.
Get Over the “NO.”
You’re not going to care about all the noes people have told you when you’re traveling around the world.
When you’re buying your own dream lake house, you’re not going to care about that noes.
The noes will lead you to millions of dollars if you’re willing to go get enough noes.
It’s absolutely impossible to get all yeses. So, at most, you might get two, three, or four yeses in a row, but you’re also going to have to get noes.
You have to get noes to get the yeses. We earn a commission when the yes happens. So, follow my logic here.
Celebrate the no.
If you have to get the no in order to get the yes, then we get paid for the noes, too. You can’t get paid if you’re not willing to go through enough noes to get the yeses.
Set a goal for getting two noes a day.
That would be an amazing goal.
Go get two noes every single day from someone who has seen your presentation. I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t end up making a ton of money and isn’t living an amazing lifestyle. But you got to be willing to go get the no. And not just willing to get the no. Get excited about the no. Celebrate the no. Make it a goal of getting those.
Endless opportunities.
Because again, when you’re on the beaches of the world, you don’t care about the no.
When you’re climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with your buddies, you don’t care about the no.
As you’re taking your kids on exotic vacations on a regular basis, you don’t care about the no.
When you can afford to pay for private school for your kids, you don’t care about the no.
You don’t care about the no when you’re set for life financially,
You’re glad and grateful for the no.
Don’t feel bad or get upset when you get a no. If everyone said yes, there would be no opportunity.
Stop wishing it were easier and start wishing you were better. Work towards getting better because again, companies would have no incentive to pay us a fortune for going out and building a big team if everyone said yes.
Be grateful that there’s a challenge because that’s where all the opportunity lies.
If you are looking for some advanced training, feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. And if you’d like to learn about the 3 magic words for building rapport and getting people to like you, check out my blog post here.
Go make life an adventure.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post about A Great Network Marketer Can Appreciate These 2 Letters.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire