If you have a small expectation, you’re going to get small things. Raise your thinking, have a bigger expectation and see how it transforms your life.
The Law of Expectation: Expect More Out of Life
The law of expectation basically says you’re never going to get more than what you expect out of life.
If you expect small things, you’re going to get small things. If you expect big things, you’re more likely to get big things.
There’s no promise of anything obviously, but here’s my whole philosophy on it. It takes just as much energy to think big as it does to think small.
The stream of life says that you can get whatever you want from the stream depending on what you expect from the stream, from the source.
Not to get spiritual here, but I consider God to be the source.
If you’re going to the source, and you expect small things from that source, that’s what you get.
Most people come to the source, and when it comes to financial abundance, as an example, they bring a teaspoon. So, what are they going to get? The most they can get is a teaspoon because that’s what they’re bringing to the source.
If you bring a bucket, you can get a bucket. If you bring a swimming pool, you can get a swimming pool.
Your Expectation Needs to be Bigger
The whole thought is you’ve got to expect more.
How do you expect more?
Number one, it’s as simple as literally raising your thinking.
I’ll give you an example.
When I got into network marketing, in the beginning, I struggled for a long time. I really didn’t expect a lot from myself because I had never really produced a lot. My thinking was very small. When I thought about my goals, my goals were fairly small, too.
Contrast that to when I joined my existing company that I’ve been with now for over 10 years, I expected very, very big things. And I ended up getting big things from that.
Network marketing is really all about leadership. Everything rises and falls based on leadership. So, we’ve got to look at the principles of leadership in network marketing and understand that people will really only follow a big vision.
So, if you are coming to the source, if your expectation is small, you’re not going to inspire a lot of people.
Now, if you want to make an extra $300 a month, and you’re cool with that, you can certainly do that. There’s nothing wrong with that.
In fact, I’d love to have a million more people in my group wanting to make an extra $300 dollars a month.
Just realize that if that’s your expectation, you’re unlikely to get a lot more than that. And it’s possible to get so much more.
Different Levels of Thinking
There are different levels of thinking from leaders in network marketing.
Many of the leaders, their whole pitch is based on making an extra $300 a month and again, there’s nothing wrong with that, but if I’m talking to someone, I’m going to be talking about a much bigger expectation because I believe that they can produce a lot more.
The argument here is that if you expect a ton from someone, it scares them away, but I’m okay with scaring people away. It’s just a different philosophy.
My vision, my expectation, what I have certainty on, is that we can build the biggest company in network marketing.
I’m not saying my company is better than yours. I think you should believe the exact same thing about your company.
You should believe your company is the end all, be all.
Does that mean you talk bad about other network marketing companies? No, not at all.
United we stand, divided we fall.
I support the entire industry.
There are lots of amazing companies out there. If you believe your company is the best company in the world, I support you in that belief. Just like I hope you support me in the belief that mine is the greatest.
My expectation is to have tens of millions of customers, and break the mold in the network marketing profession, and go out and capture market share like no one has ever done before.
I believe that we can build the biggest company in the world.
I have certainty that that’s possible because someone else made that happen. Someone else is the biggest network marketing company in the world.
There’s no reason why I can’t do it as well within my organization. There’s no reason why you can’t do it as well if your expectation is big enough.
Big Expectation = Big Vision = Inspiration
What happens is because I’m always talking about a big expectation, I’m way more likely to get people to buy into that vision because a big vision is what inspires people.
How do you expand your own vision? How do you expand your expectation?
A lot of that goes back to programming. It’s very simple.
Your belief about what you should be able to expect in the world is going to be based on a few things.
It’s going to be based on your experiences.
If you’ve had a lot of success, you’re way more likely to believe that you can have a huge expectation. You’re more likely to have a big expectation if you’ve had successful results.
The challenge is a lot of us have not had a lot of successful results so you have to look at the other two ways that we are programmed to have the beliefs that we have.
External Programming
If you hang around with nine broke friends, guess what? You’re the tenth.
If your expectation is bigger than your circle of friends, you have the wrong circle of friends.
I love the fact that the circle of friends that I have, have a huge expectation.
They want to make a dent in the universe and change the world. They want to do something that’s never been done before and want to change the paradigm of network marketing, and that’s not just in my company, that’s leaders in other companies as well that are friends of mine.
You are who you hang around with.
If you take your five best friends and average their bank account, that’s about how much money you have in your bank account, almost to the dollar. So, if you want to expand your net worth, you need to expand your network.
You need to hang around with people who have a bigger expectation.
If someone is laughing at you, ridiculing you, or telling you those things don’t work, saying, “Who are you to think you can go out and be a millionaire,” and all of these things, you need to change your friends.
Hang around with people who celebrate you, not people who tolerate you. You should not be tolerating people who simply tolerate you.
Internal Programming
The third way that we’re programmed is our internal programming. It’s what we say and what we think about ourselves.
You need to have positive affirmations.
Just about every hour before the top of the hour, I have affirmations set on my phone as alarms.
One of those affirmations that pop up every day at 9:50 a.m says, “I am fucking unstoppable”.
What I’ve realized is if I rely on myself to do affirmations every day, sometimes I forget so I create a daily reminder. It’s a repeating reminder in my phone where every hour, something’s popping up, affirming me as the person I ultimately want to become, as if it’s already true.
You may want to have some affirmations that are saying things like, “I’m one of the most confident women in the world. I’m one of the most confident men in the world. I’m unstoppable”. Whatever it is that you want to become, affirm it, and create some mechanisms to where you don’t forget about it.
There’s no sound on these alarms. It just pops up. My phone vibrates, I see it, and I think to myself, “I’m one of the most confident men in the world,” and I snooze it. Then another one pops up an hour later, so I’m constantly programming myself all day long, and because I’m positively programming myself throughout the day, guess what happens?
I had a much bigger expectation for myself based on my own programming.
This is serious gold here but it’s not gold if you don’t implement it.
How easy is it to implement an affirmation that goes off on your phone as an alarm every hour? It’s easy to do.
What affirmations should you do? Well, here’s how you figure it out.
If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?
Don’t say, “I want to be Matt Morris or Tony Robbins” or anything like that.
It’s the ultimate version of you.
The Expectation of Yourself
If you could be anyone, what is the ultimate version of you look like?
It might be, “I’m the leader that every other leader is looking for”.
Maybe it’s, “I’m the most respected leader in network marketing”.
It might be, “I’m the best there’s ever been and the best there ever will be”. Whatever it is that excites you.
“I’m a millionaire creator. I’m the motivator to the motivators”.
Those are some of mine.
Hopefully, you don’t think, “Man, this guy’s an egomaniac”.
I’m not telling anyone else these affirmations.
I hate the whole “fake it till you make it,” thing. I hate it like poison.
Don’t ever pretend like you’re someone else to someone else. Don’t ever lie to someone else, lie to yourself.
Create those affirmations for you. There have been so many times that they’ve manifested for me.
Maybe you want to be an inspiration to other people. Your affirmation might be, “I touch, move, and inspire people. I light people up”.
Create those affirmations and go through them on a regular basis. That’s going to expand your expectation.
I’m visualizing what I’m going to have in the future so I think about my yacht, having a 170ft yacht with a helicopter landing pad and jet skis that pop out.
We’ll have a big inflatable trampoline. We’re going to have a people launcher that’s like a slingshot that shoots people out into the ocean. We’re going to have a huge hot tub on the yacht.
So, as we’re cruising the Mediterranean at midnight, looking at the stars, popping bottles of champagne, it’s got to be a big hot tub because I need to be able to fit all my leaders who are on the trip with me.
That’s an inspiring vision for me that I share with people on my team. All the time, I’m saying, “Hey, if you want to be on the yacht, all you have to do is be at the top rank”.
That’s an extra incentive to come on the yacht with us. That’s a big expectation.
The reality is it takes just as much energy to have a big expectation as it does a small expectation.
Create a big expectation for yourself. Affirm it over and over and over. Share that with your organization. Share that with the people who are bought in.
I don’t necessarily mean you have to share it with everyone in your life, but you need to share it with the people who are bought in, your supporters, and with the people who celebrate you.
I believe God is unlimited. He’s unlimited in his capacity to bless us and because he’s unlimited in his capacity and power to bless us, why should I limit my expectation?
I should have a massive expectation and you should, too, because God is massive and unlimited. His gift to us is unlimited potential, not unlimited potential, and our gift to God is using that potential.
My friends, my prayer for you is that you use that potential that is inside of you. Expect way more out of life because what you expect is what you’ll get. If you expect little, you’ll get little in every case, so you might as well expect big, right?
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God bless you.
If you’d like to learn about how to deal with challenges in life, check out this blog post.
Go make life an adventure.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire