One of the many rewards self-discipline has to offer.
What is Self-Discipline?
Self-Discipline is the ability to make valuable long-term decisions instead of indulging in short-term pleasures. Done, you don’t have to read anymore. You now know the best definition for self-discipline, but do you truly understand it?
How do you handle temptation? Do you find yourself giving into your weakness, or do you embrace your self-worth and say “This is not good for my future.”
Do you know your greatest weakness – the part of life that will stop you from being successful? Have you planned for it? Are there strategies in place to make you successful?
Many people have issues playing video games, or texting their friends, or watching too much TV. Maybe they don’t have financial control, or they just can’t sit down and study.
Without a doubt, that there is an activity that will waste your time and slowly kill your hopes and dreams. This should be enough fuel for you to spring into action. This sentence, knowing that you are the master of your own hopes and dreams, is the lifeblood of success.
Self-discipline is both a value and a skill. It is a demonstration of who you are, practiced and mastered over time.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author