How to Create a Team that Pays You ’till the Cows Come Home…
I talk a hell of a lot about the importance of personal production.
I do so because it’s critically important to set a bar of production for your team… if you’re weak on personal production, you train your team to be weak.
The leaders on your team will rarely, if ever, personally produce more than you do. It’s why I’ve always personally produced like a maniac for the past 20 years – I want a bunch of other maniac producers on the team.
But listen, if you only focus on personal production, you’ll lose a ton of people along the way.
What is Tap Rooting Network Marketing Technique and How to Do It Effectively
The big, long term, stable money comes from driving a leg deep. It’s called TAP ROOTING.
Here’s the rule I was taught two decades ago…
When you build a leg 10 levels deep through sponsorship, you’ll have a team that will never go away. Granted, I’ve never audited my teams to see if that’s true, but when I heard it, I made it my mission to create teams 10 levels deep.
And just so you’re clear on what I mean…
You sponsor Aaron. (Aaron is level 1)
Aaron sponsors Bob. (Bob is level 2)
Bob sponsors Clara. (Clara is level 3), etc.
If you’ve never heard this “10 deep” rule, now you have a goal.
Go get em!
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
P.S. – If you’d like to get into my mind way more than you can in my emails and get loads of income producing strategies, pick up a copy of my 7 Secrets to 7 Figures book. This book goes over, in detail, the 7 specific strategies I used to go from 5 years of miserable failure to becoming the #1 earner in all 3 companies I’ve been involved in over the past 20 years.
To get your copy, go here:
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