What Will Die With You…
As we enter into the new year, I want to really stress a certain point for 2014’s last Motivational Monday.
And it’s a simple question:
“What will die with you?”
The message in this video gives me chills.
And I think this is a practice everyone on the planet can benefit from.
“Imagine, if you will… Being on your death bad and standing around you bed are the dreams given to you by life.
The ideas that you never acted on…
The talents, the gifts, the abilities that you never used…
And there they are, standing around your bed, looking at you with large angry eyes saying:
“We came to you! And only YOU could have given us life. And now we must die with you forever!”
And the question is, if you die this very moment, what will die with you? What dreams? What ideas? What talents?
Don’t allow fear of failure and tech attractiveness of playing it safe in life to draw you in…”
That segment of that talk by Les Brown is all I want to leave you with today. That powerful visualization that activates the question:
What will you die with…?
Don’t let ANYTHING stand in your way. Use the new year as an excuse or reason if you don’t have one but find a way to extract your greatness!