What holds people back from being successful and selling in network marketing, is the fear of rejection.
Why You’re Not Selling in Network Marketing
I would say the number one thing that holds people back from being successful, especially in network marketing, is the fear of rejection, being worried about what other people are going to say about you offering a product or service, or you’re shy about coming across as a salesperson, or the biggest thing is rejection hurts.
And when someone tells you no, somehow you take it personally.
I want to just give you some insight that I think might help you.
If you’re a leader in network marketing, you should take this message and use it for whatever products or services that you’re offering in whatever network marketing company that you are involved in.
Selling in Network Marketing is Your Obligation.
Here’s why I think it’s your obligation.
If you offer a product or service that seriously adds value to someone else, and you should not be offering a product or service that does not add value to someone else, then it’s your obligation to go hard, push hard, and follow up.
Do everything that you need to do to offer your product and service because it’s in their best interest, not yours.
I don’t know what product or service you’re offering. It could be a travel-related product, a health and nutrition product, or a skincare product. It could be personal coaching services, whatever it is.
But the reality is your prospect, whoever is out there that doesn’t know about your product, if you genuinely believe that product or service is in their best interest by owning it and by using it, then it’s in their best interest.
They don’t know it’s in their best interests because they don’t know what you know. It’s your obligation to educate them on your products and services and do whatever you can. Get as good as you possibly can.
Every day, watch one of my training videos or watch someone else’s training videos.
Educate yourself daily so you get the skills necessary to be able to close anyone who’s closable on purchasing your products or services.
Offering a Product
I offer a product that when people use this product, it gives them more fun, freedom, and fulfillment. It creates joy in their life.
Genuinely, if I’m offering my products and my services to someone, I feel like they lose in a massive way if they don’t own it.
If they don’t use my product, they are going to miss out. It’s a disservice to them, not to me.
It’s not a disservice to me because I’m going to find someone else to offer my products or services to. So, I don’t lose out. They do.
If They Say No…
If they say no, they lose. I don’t lose.
I’m not afraid of rejection and I’m not afraid of what people are going to say, think, or do. That’s on them.
If you’re in network marketing, you may offer a health and nutrition product where you know if they take your product, it’s going to make them healthier. Maybe it’s going to help them live a longer, more full and rich life.
I’ve been working out with my personal trainer for about four years now and my body is in way better shape. I’m much healthier. Had I not purchased his service, my life would not be as good as it is today.
If you’re a personal trainer, you owe it to the people in your life, the people who don’t even know you yet, to go hard on offering your products.
If you offer life coaching, and you can help people have more joy in their life, have more happiness, you owe it to them to go hard.
Stop being shy about offering your product because you’re afraid of rejection or afraid of what other people are going to say or think about you.
Go Hard!
It’s in their best interest so GO HARD!
If you’re not offering a product that’s in their best interest, find another product to offer.
Find something that you can get passionate about because as I said in my book, The Unemployed Millionaire, when you follow your passion, the money will come.
The reality is if you want to have a lot of success, whatever your marketing, you have to go hard. If you don’t go hard, you will never have success.
Give up right now if you don’t intend on going hard because it’s not going to work.
Why I can push a big vision and sell the vision of my product or service or my company, is because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, with 100 percent certainty, that their life is better if they take it.
That’s the attitude that you’ve got to take.
If you can’t get that attitude with your product or services, find a different product. It’s as simple as that.
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I’ve got some more advanced training on leadership at LeadwithMatt.com where you’ll learn how to become a powerful leader, attract powerful leaders, and create some real time and money freedom.
If you’d like to learn about how to become a millionaire in network marketing, check out this blog post.
Go make life an adventure.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post about Becoming a Millionaire in Network Marketing.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire