How To Feel Worthy Of Success
As I was headed to dinner tonight I took a little time to reflect on the last 13 years…
I’ve been to 65 different countries, experienced epic adventures, stayed in the best and most luxurious places money can by, had first class everything, and the main point…
I never imagined this could be MY life!
The toughest challenge for me was getting to the point I believed I deserved to have success or in other words, I had to get to a place I felt worthy of success.
See, we’re not stamped at birth with a tag that says “you are worthy” of living the lifestyle of a multimillionaire.
But the story that tells us to not feel worthy of success is kind of what gets programmed into our minds.
But it’s just that, a story! It’s a story built from experiences you’ve had in your past or from input from others about why you shouldn’t feel worthy of success.
When you grow up poor most of your life like I did, you find it very hard to feel worthy of success.
The point I want to tell you about how to feel worthy of success is this:
Worthiness is just bullshit we make up!
The deal is, there’s the same amount of money in the world whether you feel worthy of success and become a multimillionaire or if you don’t feel worthy of success and you go broke.
If you decide that you’re not worthy of success somehow, the money just goes to someone else. You just need to go out and claim yours.
And here’s what you have to start believing in your heart of hearts, is that you deserve it and that you are worthy of success. And that’s got to be the recurring thought in your mind. If someone else deserves to be worthy of success, so do I!
So from this point forward, don’t let any thought ever creep into your mind that you’re not worthy of success because you are!
Make Life An Adventure!