Your Plan B – Could You Have It ALL WRONG?
I wanted to record this quick unemployed millionaire show today after getting off this webinar I just did with one of my overseas teams.
What we talked about was the attitude that people who make it big in network marketing have.
See, it’s kind of a mental shift from the “norm” where people talk about it being your plan B.
There are entire promotional campaigns built in network marketing about promoting it as your plan B. And you always hear people asking, what’s your plan b?
And I did the same thing for many years. I had my job and I was doing my plan B on the side. But what I finally realized is, if you want to really make it in network marketing you need to be a professional.
And if you’re a professional, would you consider network marketing your Plan A or your Plan B?
Of course it would, and SHOULD be your Plan A and NOT your Plan B.
I’m not saying quit your job, but I am saying make your job you plan b. Work at your job until you are making a full time income from network marketing with a new shift in your mindset that your job is your plan b and you’re a network marketing professional building your plan a!
The bottom line, mentally consider network your plan A and your job your pan B.
Make Life An Adventure!