What if I told you that you could transform your network marketing business with just 7 words? Would you call BS? Try it out for yourself. These are the 7 words for network marketing success.
The 7 words for network marketing success that you’ll want to implement into your business IMMEDIATELY
First off, Disclaimer!
This is something I learned from my good friend, Lisa Grossman.
She trained at an event I attended and found it SO impactful…
I HAD to write a blog post about it.
Ready for the 7 words?
Here we go:
I will help you build your business
During every sales process, there are 3 main things that people want to know before making their decision.
Does it work?
Can I do it?
Will you help me?
If you’re a good networker, you want to let people know that you’ll help them.
Seems simple enough, right?
Let me tell you what you DON’T want…
Don’t let the 7 words for network marketing success be your downfall…
What do I mean by that?
We don’t want a situation where people think that you’re going to build their business FOR them.
When enrolling a new customer…
Understand that you are their coach…
Not their nanny or the person building anything for them.
You don’t want to establish a welfare mentality.
When enrolling someone…
Establish expectations from the start…
Expectations that you are going to support them in building their company, but they need to be the ones building it and cannot rely on you for everything.
Here’s the perfect analogy
You’ve got a horse and you’ve got the jocky.
The jockey’s job in the race is to steer the horse…
To guide the horse.
The jocky is NOT the one who runs because that’s the horse’s job.
So, it’s your prospect’s job to call people, bring them to you, show them the business, and collect decisions.
It’s your job to steer the horse to the finish line; to guide your prospect down the path of success.
During a race, if the horse stops mid-race…
Does the Jocky pick up the horse and run him through the finish line?
Of course not!
So, don’t pick your prospect up and build the business for them.
As a leader…
A mentor…
And a coach…
You will help your new rep build their business by helping to enroll a new person and teaching them strategies for success…
Their job is to build the business.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire