Why become a leader in network marketing?
If you’re in network marketing, building a sales team or building any type of organization…
You obviously want to multiply your followers, correct?
How do you increase the number of people following you?
Step into your power as a leader.
Let me explain…
I’ve had a mentor for about 18 years in business.
I honor, respect, and am incredibly grateful to this individual in a big way.
The thing, however, that I had to realize was that if I stayed in his shadow for too long…
I would end up staying in the rut of mediocrity.
It was imperative for me to step out of the shadows and step up into the role of a leader.
The rule of the leader
If you are to become a leader in network marketing then there is a rule that you must know.
This rule states: someone will ONLY follow someone else if they perceive that individual to be a higher-level leader than themselves.
If you perceive yourself to be a level 7 (on a scale from 1-10) leader…
Are you going to follow someone you perceive to be a level 5?
They have to catch up to you, not the other way around.
Now, pay attention to the part of the law that says “perceive”.
Someone will only follow someone else if they PERCEIVE that individual to be a higher-level leader than themselves.
It’s all perception.
There is no test you take that spits out a score.
You are a leader when you decide to become one. You are who you say you are until you prove otherwise.
It’s time to step up and become a leader in network marketing
Guys, it’s time to reach down and grab a pair.
Girls, it’s time to put on your big girl panties and step up.
You are worthy of people following you and people WANT to be lead.
We’ve been told what to do & lead our whole lives…
By our parents…
Our teachers…
The question is: Are you going to be the one who leads or are you going to be like everyone else and live a mediocre life by staying in the shadow of somebody else?
Let’s get to work.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire