Want to know how sleazy-scum-bag politicians can help you close more sales in network marketing?
Keep reading…
I’m really not much into politics… but one thing is for certain…
Successful politicians win campaigns because they understand what is arguably the most potent human emotion that drives people get out and vote…
Sure, they make an effort to talk up their own credentials and policy issues…
But there’s a reason politicians run negative ads after negative ads slinging mud at their opponents…
If they don’t sling mud, they can’t implant gut-wrenching, nightmare-inducing FEAR into your mind of the devastating negative effects that will ensue should their opponent get elected.
Oh sure, everyone says they hate those negative ads but they continue to run.
And they always will.
Simple – fear works!
Use FEAR to close more sales in network marketing
Now I’m not saying to sling mud at your competition in network marketing… in fact, I teach against it.
What I am saying, is to induce fear like the below quote:
“In your last days, you’ll regret far more the things you didn’t do than the things you did do.”
That’s me using the fear of regret to get you to live an amazing life.
One of Tony Robbin’s most powerful closed-eye processes that he’s used to positively impact the lives of untold thousands of people is from something he calls the Dickens Process.
I won’t explain it in detail, but he masterfully gets you to imagine the worst possible scenario for your life should you fail to make the changes you know you need to make.
If you’ve ever been in the room when he does this, no doubt you remember the howls and screams from other participants.
You see, you may be willing to work hard to accomplish great things. But you’ll do even more because of the fear of regret for NOT doing them.
If you’re selling nutrition, people will do more to avoid being stricken with poor health than they will for excellent health.
Selling skin-care? people will do more to avoid looking old and wrinkled than they will to look young and sexy.
If you’re selling travel, people will do more to avoid regretting missing out on experiencing the world than getting to see the world.
Promoting events? People are more likely to go because of what they’ll miss out on if they don’t go compared to what they’ll learn if they do go.
No matter what you’re selling, realize that fear and regret are powerful motivators & incredibly powerful when used to close more sales in network marketing… even more powerful than the desire for gain.
You may not like this.
In fact, philosophically, you may hate it…
…But after personally selling millions of dollars online, in person, and from the stage, I can tell you from two decades of experience that this is the God’s honest truth.
Here’s what I’ll ALSO tell you…
If you try and use fear as manipulation (getting people to do what’s in YOUR best interest, not what’s in THEIR best interest), any success you have will be short-lived.
I’ve seen plenty of charlatans use fear as manipulation. It works. But I can promise you, not for long.
If you use fear to manipulate, the compound negative effects from sowing negative seeds will wreak havoc on your life.
I won’t name names, but I could give you plenty of people who have lost it all and more because of the compound negative effects of using manipulation.
If you’re going to use fear, use it because it’s genuinely in the best interests of your prospects to do whatever you’re influencing them to do.
Here’s a quick example…
I spent 5 long and painful years getting to a full-time income in network marketing. I struggled like crazy… wanted to quit 1,000 times… and thought so many times that maybe I’m just not cut out for this entrepreneurial thing. It sucked!
Then I discovered the 7 strategies outlined in my new book at www.7StrategiesBook.com. Once I implemented these principles into my business, my life took a 180-degree turn and I quickly got to a full-time income and have been crushing it for almost 20 years now.
If you’d like to shorten your learning curve DRAMATICALLY and not have to go through the 5 years of pain I went through, hop over to www.7StrategiesBook.com and pick up a copy. It’s $7 ($1 per strategy) and only 109 pages and you can read it in the afternoon.
Or, you can go it alone and spend the next 5 years continuing to bang your head against a wall as I did.
(Notice how I used the fear of staying stuck as a motivator to buy the book?)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed today’s blog as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire