Cold Market Prospecting Success In Network Marketing
The biggest struggle most network marketers face is not knowing what to do after they’ve run out of their warm market prospects…
They’ve talked to their friends…
Their families…
Even their friend’s friends!
Now what?
I had these same issues when just getting started until I realized one thing.
There is no shortage of people on this planet
There are people everywhere!
It wasn’t that I couldn’t find anyone else to talk to about my opportunity…
The problem was the fear I had towards reaching out to people I didn’t know!
We must break out of our comfort zone if we are to find success in this field.
I read every book…
And attended training to help me get out of this fear.
It wasn’t until I JUST DID IT that I broke through.
Steps for cold market prospecting success
Before we get into the framework…
Let’s get into some easy steps.
First, Make eye contact with your prospect
Second, Say “hi”.
Third, Say “hi” and smile!
Finally, Say “hi”, smile, and ask “how are you?”
BOOM! You’ve just done more than 97% of network marketers out there.
To break out of your comfort zone and move towards success…
We MUST say something to someone.
Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
Initiate the conversation without expectation!
If you screw up (which you will)…
Don’t worry! There are 7 billion other people in the world to talk to.
You probably won’t ever see them again anyway.
Framework for cold market prospecting success
Alrighty, now that we got the steps out of the way…
Let’s dive into the framework.
Posturing yourself for success
Approach every situation with the belief that it is your duty to share this opportunity with someone.
I’ve helped 50+ people become millionaires…
If I would have been too scared to share my opportunity with them…
I wouldn’t have been able to drastically change their lives or the lives of their family.
They need YOU. You DO NOT need them.
Be confident…
And have a light-hearted attitude.
Give a sincere compliment
When approaching any prospect…
Give them a sincere compliment!
“That’s an awesome suit! Where’d you get it?”
“That’s an awesome dress! My girlfriend would love to wear something like that!”
This starts a conversation while at the same time works to create rapport.
Ask what they do for a living
“What do you do for a living?
Prospect answers
“How long have you been doing it?”
Prospect answers
“You must love what you do seeing as though you’ve been doing it for so long!”
Most of the time they will say they don’t love what they do then…
BAM! That’s your in.
Get their phone number/tell them you’ll call them in a couple of days
Never ask for their phone number…
It makes you sound desperate.
Lead the process.
“Hey listen, I’ve got to go but you seem like a very sharp open-minded individual. I’m looking for leaders & business leaders for my organization. Here, put your number in my phone and we’ll grab a coffee in the next couple of days.”
If you really want to build instant credibility/authority…
Hand them your book THEN get them to put their number in your phone.
You’ve created reciprocity (You’ve given them something & they feel the need to give back)…
Created authority…
AND you will be seen as a powerful leader they would want to follow.
If you have any questions about becoming an author… just reach out to me!
Say “hi” and smile.
Give a sincere compliment.
Ask questions.
Be matter-of-fact.
Lead the exchange.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire