The most counterintuitive approach to double your rate of success in network marketing that you’ve ever heard…
Most people believe that top-earners come out of the gate knowing how to increase their rate of success in network marketing, don’t face challenges, or don’t face failures
I’m here to tell you…
That’s NOT true.
I still have people not call me back…
Not show up for presentations…
And straight up walk out of my presentations.
Let me share a quick story:
A few years ago I flew down to Houston, Texas to do a launch event for a new couple that was getting started in the business.
They had already done a launch event and it was HUGE!
A lot of people had come to the first event so I agreed to come to the second event.
I walk into their studio (where they’re doing the launch event) and it looked great!
We had rows of chairs all lined up, the stage was set, it was perfect…
…except for one thing.
Finally, the couple shows up a little late and it’s getting time to start the presentation…
…but there are no guests yet.
The couple that I had flown to Houston for either didn’t invite ANYONE or nobody they invited showed up.
I began my presentation anyway when a couple of people showed up.
Here comes the worst part…
The couple I flew down for LEFT about a third of the way through the presentation.
They walked out of their own meeting!
I laughed it off, had a great time on stage, and signed up the people who did stay for the whole presentation.
Not the results I was looking for, but we made the best out of it.
Chances are, if you’re in network marketing, the top leaders in your company are going through the same things you’re going through.
They get rejected…
Get told “no”…
Have people walk out of their presentations…
Get stood up…
Everything you can think of.
The key is this: Just do more of it!
My rate of success in network marketing increased dramatically when I decided…
I was going to detach myself from the results and I was just going to focus on the process.
The process, I decided, was going to be a lot of fun (which made me want to do it more)…
When you approach things from this perspective…
It’s easier to go all in and take massive action (without caring about what the results were going to be).
Yes, I wanted to make money, create results and enroll people…
…but I stopped focusing on that and focused on the process.
If you want to double your rate of success, then double your rate of failure
Go double, triple, and quadruple your rate of failure.
Get more no shows!
Be excited when people reject you.
Obviously, get better! I’m not saying screw up on purpose, but work on your skill and get better.
The more you fail, the more you’re going to have success.
Tom Watson, the founder of IBM, said, “If you want to greatly increase your success, double your rate of failure.”
So my friends, go fail.
Fail fast.
And increase your success.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire