Goal Setting: Motivation by Consequences
We’re going to talk today about executing on your goals and making stuff happen.
This is going to have a little bit of explicit language.
Typically, I am not overly explicit in my content but today, I wanted to give you a little force behind the message.
One of the things that I have consistently done on a fairly regular basis is writing out a daily list of things that I need to execute on because when you execute daily, that helps you achieve your goals.
There’s a philosophy that I have taught and for some reason, I have not implemented this in my goal setting process and in my daily program.
It’s something that I’ve just recently started doing and it has provided some pretty serious motivation for me so I wanted to share this with you.
I didn’t want to share this as openly as I am going to today. I was going to hold back because me sharing this with you so openly requires me to be a little bit explicit.
I’m not going to say some things just to say them and be polarizing. I’m saying them because it’s what’s true for me. And it may give you some value as it has definitely given me some value.
The Challenge
I know you have goals. I know you have dreams. You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t have some big goals and dreams.
We all, myself included, let things hold us back.
The bottom line is none of us execute on everything as much as we should. We get into a zone of comfort.
I know that’s definitely been the case for me for many, many years.
I’ve had an amazing income. I’ve been a million dollar producer now for many years. I’m at a point in my life where life is good. I’m financially free and stable. I can travel all around the world. If I wanted to turn off my phone, I’ve got a residual income that supports me.
The problem with getting to a place of comfort in your life is that oftentimes, comfort leads to stagnation. The challenge that I’m always having is figuring out how I can combat the comfort stagnation so I’m going to give you some of the things that I do.
Pain vs Pleasure
We will do way more to avoid pain than we will to gain pleasure.
We will do more to save and protect $100,000 than we will to go make $100,000.
Some people disagree and say, ”No, I’m driven for pleasure and to have things. I’m not driven to avoid pain.”
I’ve found that to not be the case.
If you’re in jeopardy of losing $20,000, you’ll do more to protect the $20,000 than you will to go make $20,000 more.
The goal-setting process that I have taught is a little bit fucked up and what most people have taught is a little fucked up.
Every book out there is a little fucked up because the traditional process is you set a specific. It needs to be measurable. You need to have a time frame behind the goal and you need to have an action plan behind the goal.
And what I’ve always taught is that you need a purpose behind the goal.
Why is the Goal a Must?
What is that pleasurable thing that you’re moving towards that makes the goal a must?
One of my goals is I must be a hero to my children. It’s one of my pleasurable things.
Some more is that I must have financial freedom. I must make a difference in others.
Those are all really good things, right?
Yours may be completely different.
It may be that you must be able to quit your job so you don’t have to fight traffic to and from work anymore.
Maybe it’s that you must be able to send your kids to private schools. Or that you must be able to have the freedom to go travel the world. You must have a Ferrari. I don’t care what it is but there’s some pleasurable reason for you to have the goal and that’s good. That is awesome.
However, when it comes down to the daily actions, often the pleasurable possibility for your life, for your goal, for what you know you need to execute on, isn’t enough to get you off your ass to go take action.
Daily Goal Setting
When you can understand yourself, you have a lot of power. Hopefully, you understand in yourself that you’ll do more to avoid pain.
Rather than just looking at my list of things that I need to execute on, the calls that I need to make, the content that I need to create, whatever it may be, instead me saying, “All right. Here’s the reasons why I must do it,” what are the pain points?
What is the pain for you not executing on what you know you need to execute on?
I’ve started writing this down on a daily basis and I’ve got to tell you, it gives me a lot of fire to go execute.
What are three negative consequences of you not executing on what you need to execute on?
What are three things that are pain points for you not making the calls that you know you need to go make, that you can make, but you let comfort get in the way?
You Let Fear & Procrastination Get in the Way.
I write down three things.
Number one is if I don’t execute on what I need to execute on today, I am saying, “fuck you” to my children.
Many of you have kids and your kids are your why. It’s good to have the pleasurable possibility of saying, “I’m going to be a hero to my children,” but if you don’t do it, you’re saying, “fuck you” to your kids.
Which one is more motivating?
I’d rather not say, “fuck you” to my children.
I’ll give you another.
By not doing the things that I need to execute on, I’m saying, “fuck you” to YOU. I’m saying, “fuck you” to the people that I can help because I’m making my comfort more important than me helping you.
That motivates the shit out of me.
The third one I wrote down is I refuse to look in the mirror and see a pussy looking back.
Do you think I’m more likely to go take action to avoid that consequence? Damn straight. Absolutely.
It’s a simple task.
You need to be writing down the things that you need to execute on every day.
Who are the people you need to call? What are the things that you need to do? What are the reasons why you must achieve those and what are the painful consequences of you not achieving them, of not doing the actions?
Yours may be very different than mine, but I’m telling you, we’ll do way more to avoid pain than gain pleasure.
Let That Pain Be a Fuel for You to Take Action.
My desire and commitment for you is the same commitment that I have for myself.
My commitment to myself, part of my purpose in life is living up to the highest potential that God has for me and it’s helping others live up to their highest potential. That’s what I want for you.
So, go get it.
If you want some advanced training on leadership, feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. You’ll get some strategies on how to become a powerful leader and how to attract powerful leaders.
We all want the ultimate time and money freedom. That’s what I desire for you.
If you’d like to learn how about the 4 network marketing skills you need to master, check out this blog post.
Go make life an adventure.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post on How to Avoid Dropping Rank in Network Marketing.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire