In network marketing, you motivate your team by inspiring them through your own personal production.
How to Motivate Your Team in Network Marketing
How do you motivate your team?
There’s a lot of different things that you can do, but in general, I’ll give you the answer right up front.
You don’t motivate your team. You inspire them through your own personal production.
This is often not the answer that people want to hear because most people want to go out and believe some of the hype that you’ve heard from network marketers who say, “All you’ve got to do is put in two people and then they put in two, and they put in two”, or “you put in five, and they put in five, and they put in five”… And we get hooked on that.
In fact, that was exactly what happened to me when I joined network marketing.
When I joined network marketing…
I went through about three meetings before I actually signed up and my sponsor met me after the meeting and knew exactly what to say to me.
He said, “Matt, you only have to get six. It’s easy. You can do it.” And I was like, “I only have to get six?” So, I joined.
Unfortunately, that was a lie.
There has never been a leader in the history of network marketing that I have ever heard of who’s enrolled six people and got to a six-figure income.
You have to do a lot more than that but what happens is we think that we only have to get six or five or two or whatever it is and that we’re going to have this duplication factory.
Duplication is real in network marketing.
I think there’s a lot more duplication of leadership in network marketing than the duplication that most people think about.
[EXPOSED] The Duplication Myth
Motivate your team.
The mistake is you go out and enroll five people and then you want to go motivate those five to go take action but how do you do that?
The way that you motivate your team is not through putting up interesting quotes. It’s not through doing training calls every day. Now, is it good to do training calls? Absolutely.
I’m not discounting doing training calls, training Zooms, or “wake-up” motivational calls. There’s nothing wrong with doing those things. Those things are good, but if you’re expecting your team to duplicate because you’re just motivating them, that’s not what happens.
As you grow in leadership and you’ve got an organization of thousands of people, it changes a little bit because your team knows you’ve gone out and done the work.
Personal production.
A role in network marketing is you stay in personal production until you’re at the income level you want to retire at. It’s why I’m still enrolling people.
We do promotions from time to time where you can qualify for certain things and I qualify just about every time. You have to put in two or four sales in a month and I pretty much always qualify for those because I’m always putting people in. But the way that you really motivate your team is not the motivation like we think it is.
It’s not hyping them up with motivational quotes and all that. Some of that’s all really good stuff, but you inspire them through your personal productivity. They see that it’s possible.
Momentum is created through one word. If you want to have momentum in your organization, it’s going to happen because of belief.
If you have a lot of people who have a lot of belief, you have a lot of people taking a lot of action.
How do you give them the belief? Do you tell them, “This is awesome? It works. Go, go, go.”
If they haven’t seen you do it, if they haven’t seen your personal production, they don’t believe it’s true, no matter how much you hype it up. No matter how excited you are. No matter how many motivational quotes and no matter how many training calls you do, they don’t believe so they don’t take action.
Get serious!
Group momentum comes after personal momentum. You don’t get group momentum until you have personal momentum.
So, what’s the number?
Enough. You have to do enough.
What’s the starting point? Thirty.
If you haven’t personally sponsored 30 people in your organization, you’re not really serious.
You can never expect to have a hugely motivated team if you haven’t done at least 30 personals. And some of you haven’t done 30 and you’re like, “No, Matt. I am serious.” Well, you don’t have the results to show it yet.
Your heart may say you’re serious. Your mind may say you’re serious but you’re not a pro. Your group’s not going to be super excited if you haven’t done at least 30. How fast do you have to do the 30? There’s not a number but the faster, the better.
The Law of Compressed Activity
The first time I ever built a huge team in network marketing, I did 30 in one month.
I’ve never done 30 in one month ever since so you don’t have to do 30, but the faster you put them in, the better it works.
There’s a thing called “the law of compressed activity” and the law of compressed activity says, this is an irrefutable law, the effort that you put in a short compressed amount of time is going to pay you way more money than the same amount of effort put in over an extended period of time.
Why is that true? Why is that an irrefutable law in our profession?
It’s because everything’s based on belief, based on that inspiration. So, if people are inspired and they believe that they can go put in a bunch of sales, they go do it.
What gives them the belief? Seeing someone perform at a level above themselves.
Motivate your team by ranking in your company.
I’ve hit the top rank in my company three times and I’ve had plenty of money doing it twice.
My lifestyle is not changing dramatically because I hit it a third time. Yes, it’s more money and it’s awesome, but the biggest motivation for me to do that was I wanted to go to such a high level that people would say, “Man, if he’s done it three times, surely I can do it once.”
So, if you haven’t hit a rank in your company, your group is probably thinking, “I can’t do it” because you haven’t done it.
Aside from you just making more money, aside from you getting the recognition, realize that your team needs to see you hit rank.
You may be a leader and you may be stuck at the rank that you’re at.
You may have a very comfortable life. So, don’t do it for you. Do it for your team.
Spend less time in a support role.
Do less support of your group for a period of time, get into personal production mode, and watch your team increase.
I’ve done it so many times.
It sounds crazy to spend less time in a support role and more time in personal production mode, but when you pull back from the support a little bit, go into personal production mode, and your team is seeing you do this… Why does your organization grow?
Your organization grows because you gave them what they needed the most and what they needed the most was the inspiration and the belief that they could go do it themselves. And without you doing it, they don’t get that.
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If you’d like to learn about the 2 letters a great network marketer can appreciate, check out this blog post.
Go make life an adventure.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire