This one law will teach you how to make more money in network marketing and more than you’re worth now.
The key to earning more than your worth in network marketing
If you’re wanting to know how to earn more money than you’re worth…
That’s not going to happen.
At least, not in the short term…
There may be brief moments where you earn more money than you’re worth, but it always comes back to what you’re worth.
Let’s use the analogy of the thermostat:
If it gets too hot in a room, the air conditioner will kick on.
Conversely, if it gets too cold in a room, the heater will kick on.
Let’s say your thermostat is set to $40,000/year (what you’re currently making)…
If you make more than that, then the coolers kick on and get you back to 40…
If you start earning less than that, the heater kicks on and it gets you back up to 40.
We stay in line with where we are…
Where our belief system is…
And where our identity is.
So what’s the key to earning more money?
The Law Of Expansion is the key to earning more money in network marketing
The law states:
If you want to grow your income, you have to grow who you are as a person.
We’ve got to expand our capabilities.
When I first got started as an entrepreneur, I made no money.
I struggled like crazy…
Beat my head against the wall…
And watched everyone else pass me by.
I was disheartened and discouraged. I was beaten up internally and had so much fear crippling me.
How did I get out of it?
The law of expansion!
I created an obsession with personal development because I knew that if I wanted to make more money…
I had to expand my mind to be the kind of person who’s worthy of earning $x/month.
Let’s simplify this law with an analogy
You’ve got a glass…
You have some water…
The water represents your income.
The glass represents your capacity.
Your capacity is a combination of:
- Your confidence
- Self-worth
- Ability to have the courage to break through your fears.
- Emotional intelligence
- etc.
Most people have about 60% of their glass full (They’re operating at 60% capacity)…
The more money you make, the more capacity you start using.
Soon you start working harder and harder…
You’re making more and more money…
And soon you fill your capacity.
Your income is at your level of capacity and this is where you plateau.
Have you every plateaued in your business?
So you continue to work harder and harder, but it’s not working.
You blame other people…
Your upline…
The product…
Everyone else…
…But in reality, it’s you!
You’ve got to get a bigger glass!
If you continue working without expanding your capacity, it doesn’t matter how hard you work, it just falls over.
You burn yourself out & quit.
How do you expand your capacity to make more money in network marketing?
We must become obsessed with personal development every single day.
I was on a plane yesterday to Cabo and the guy next to me was playing a war game on his phone while I was reading a book.
Why am I farther ahead in life?
Is it because I’m naturally smarter than him?
Is it because I’m naturally more talented than him?
Not at all.
It’s because I’m focused on expanding my capacity.
I began as a thimble…
Then upgraded to a shot glass…
My glass (capacity) has been getting bigger and bigger.
If you’re willing to do things that other people are unwilling to do long enough…
You will have things and live a life that most people will never have and most people never will.
But you’ve got to be willing to do it.
Expand your capacity, my friends.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire