If words could be considered ‘dangerous’, these 3 words would be considered the most dangerous words for your success in the English dictionary.
Listen up
The other day our company was doing a presentation…
We have all our leaders kind of come together and we do a big event.
That night after I spoke, we had a phenomenal leader on my team do a fast start training.
I’m under the belief that if there is an opportunity to absorb some powerful nuggets of information that will help me become better…
I am all in!
So, I brought in all the new people who signed up during our presentation to this leader’s fast start training.
I began taking a bunch of notes and am learning a ton of great information when I noticed something…
None of the other full-time leaders were in the room.
The room was full of new members!
I left the room and looked outside to see a bunch of the other full-time leaders talking with each other (not prospects).
So, I went back into the room, shook my head and sat down.
My organization makes up about 75% of our company, I was the top income earner at the event and I’m learning, taking notes, absorbing and soaking in all this incredible information.
Why are the others not doing the same?
The answer lies in a philosophy…
I don’t care what level you are currently…
If you’re making $10 million/year or $1k/year…
It doesn’t matter.
The 3 most dangerous words for your success
“I know that”
Those 3 words are the most dangerous words for your success.
Chances are that the other full-time leaders weren’t in the training because they figured, “I already know that. I’ve heard this information a bunch of times and I don’t need to hear it again.”
I have a different philosophy.
This philosophy, I believe, leads to huge success and it revolves around the Japanese art of kaizen.
The Japanese art of continuous and never-ending improvement.
You’re either green and growing or you’re ripe and rotten.
When I joined the company that I’m involved in now, I started about three and a half years late…
I didn’t do anything for three and a half years.
When I came into the presentation, even though I had owned my own network marketing company and have been the top income earner in two other companies…
I was the ULTIMATE student.
Learning how other people present, studying, taking notes, memorizing quotes and one-liners.
Because I am dedicated to continual improvement!
There may be 1 phrase or quote that somebody uses that is pure gold!
I’m going to take that and use it in my presentation because…
Why invent average when you can copy genius?
I don’t have a whole lot of genius…
I’ve just been a really good copy cat over the years.
The only reason I’m perceived as great is because I’ve been great at copying & absorbing information and putting my own unique twist on it.
Not a lot of brilliance in that, is there?
We’re all like trees in the forest
Many people are going to water their tree which will get to a certain size.
Watering your tree represents learning – attending events, reading books, applying yourself, and getting out of your comfort zone.
Unfortunately, a lot of people get to $100,000/year and they stop watering their tree.
Or maybe they get to $500,000/year or $1 million/year and they stop watering their tree.
Then they wonder why their business is failing.
Realize that becoming the ultimate student will bring you more fulfillment…
More success…
Than you ever thought possible.
Continue to water your tree.
Pour into yourself.
Go out and make yourself the biggest tree in the forest.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire