Is creating overnight success in network marketing possible? Kind of…
The number one question that I’ve gotten is, “Matt, after all these years of struggle, what’s the biggest thing that changed you?”
Everyone is looking for that “ONE thing”…
The silver bullet…
Taking the easy route.
I’m sure you’ve thought the same thing, right?
What’s the ONE book that I can read?
The ONE thing that changed you so that everything came together?
What’s the ONE podcast I should listen to?
I would love to say there was just one thing…
It would make things A LOT easier.
But, if I were being honest…
There were a lot of things that created my “overnight success” in network marketing
Maybe I should re-phrase…
There were a lot of things that created my 5 YEAR overnight success in network marketing.
The reality?
I reinvented myself.
When I was living out of my car at the age of 21…
Bathing in gas station bathrooms…
And showering naked in the rain…
I was miserable, lonely, and thirty thousand dollars in debt.
It seemed as if nothing positive could happen in my life.
So, I made a conscious decision to reinvent myself.
What does that process look like?
Number one: Change your belief about yourself
If you want to create “overnight success” in network marketing…
You’ve got to change your belief about yourself.
Change your identity.
You have to change who you believe you are because…
…You’re always going to get in life what you believe you deserve you should be getting.
Personally, This was a hard one for me.
I had to read a lot of books about belief systems while learning to change my confidence.
Things change when you learn how to confidently present to someone.
You can’t imagine what will happen to your life when you LEARN to be more charismatic…
When you can train yourself to smile more and…
Learn to be happy despite the circumstances
When you’re happy & smiling…
Other people are more attracted to you.
It will change your ability to communicate.
You no longer will have that little voice in the back of your mind saying,
“Are they judging me?”
“What are they thinking about me?”
If you want to learn how to become an “overnight success” in network marketing, you must…
Develop your sales skills…
Learning how to overcome objections.
Build your leadership ability…
Learning how to move people.
How to get people to follow you.
Learn how to inspire people to do things that they normally wouldn’t do!
Show other people you believe in them.
Become authentic and open yourself.
Share yourself with others.
There is no ONE thing for overnight success in network marketing. It’s all of these things.
If you have the desire to go out and live a great life…
Whether that’s financial freedom…
To be an inspiration to millions…
Or to make a dent in this universe…
Realize that no matter where you are in life, you can do it.
There is a cost, however.
Success will require ONE thing of you…
MASSIVE change.
You’re going to have to change your belief systems, your identity, things you value, and you’re going to have to commit to the process of becoming a better version of yourself.
Get excited about the process because as you continue to grow, you’re going to, over time, look back at yourself and think “wow… I can’t believe I’ve come this far”.
It won’t be a list of accomplishments…
Or homes you’ve been able to obtain…
… but knowing that you became the kind of person that deserves to have those things.
Keep immersing yourself in personal development and continue with the process.
You will get there.
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire