The 7 Key Fundamentals that teach you how to close more sales in network marketing
How to close a sale in network marketing
The reason I’ve been able to recruit powerful leaders that have led to over 1 million customers and $2 billion in sales over the past 3 years is that I sucked at closing sales in network marketing…
I sucked so bad that I HAD to get good at it.
I’ve discovered some 7-key fundamentals along the way that have allowed me to close more sales in network marketing…
Which led to ultimate time and money freedom.
In order to build a tall building, there must be a deep foundation.
Let’s start building our foundation…
Have fun in the process
This is something I commit to doing every time…
When you’re not having fun, your prospect isn’t having fun.
However, when you’re smiling, laughing, and genuinely having a good time…
Your prospect is more likely to be having a great time with you and associate that “good time” with your opportunity.
Not only is having fun effective, but it’s a must for the next fundamental…
Fall in love with the process of closing sales in network marketing
I used to be super nervous…
Scared of rejection…
Fearful of what people might think…
And I would have massive anxiety towards the last minute of the presentation.
I hated it!
Closing sucked for me because I was so nervous all the time.
I had to rewire my brain to fall in love with closing.
Once you reprogram your brain to get excited, treat it like a game, and love the process of closing…
Your closing numbers will go up drastically.
Show your prospect how to feel when closing
People buy with emotion then justify later with logic.
You may have all the cool benefits and features, but that’s NOT what gets people to sign up.
Lead with emotion.
People will be more drawn to you if they feel like you’re excited and passionate.
Assume the sale!
Assume they’re ready to get started!
Don’t just show someone the business…
Assume you’re about to launch a HUGE team with this person.
I used to use an old school method back in the day where I would bring the application already filled out with as much information as I knew about that individual.
As soon as the presentation was over…
I would say, “Now what was your phone number?”
It was so funny because most of the time they would say, “am I really doing this?”.
Now, that’s an old school method and I don’t recommend it today…
But you get the point.
Answer these questions during your presentation
Every prospect has 3 questions they will never ask you, but are subconsciously thinking…
- Does It Work?
- Can I Do It?
- Will You Help Me?
Answering these questions throughout the presentations will limit the objections & limiting beliefs they have, therefore, leading to YOU closing more sales.
Close early and close often
When the presentation is over…
Don’t go into salesmanship mode!
Go for the close.
Closing often means if they have objections… answer those objections… then close again!
Be sold on your products and services
Be passionate about what you’re selling.
If you’re not…
Go sell something else!
Be so passionate and sold on your own product that you feel you are doing them a disservice by not having your product/service!
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire