I get asked all the time, “Matt, what is one thing you wish you knew at 20?”
One thing I wish I knew at 20
It’s always important to look at the past so we don’t repeat it.
Always interesting to find that when looking in the past, hindsight is always 20-20, isn’t it?
Looking back 20 years ago, the biggest thing I wish I would have known is that I was WAY more powerful than I thought I was.
20 years ago, I had not yet gotten full-time in network marketing.
I was struggling and felt I was not a talented leader or communicator.
Pretty much, I felt like a failure.
Honestly, I kinda was (if you looked at my bank account).
Looking back, I was way better than I thought I was.
But because I didn’t think I was talented, I refused to show my gifts.
I refused to use my gifts and put myself out there…
…and I was trapped in a bubble of fear.
I wish I knew at 20 how powerful I really was
Even moving into my 30’s, I still didn’t feel like I was enough.
I still hid in the shadows and didn’t step up and use my potential even though I was extremely powerful and had so much more left to give.
This goes for you too.
You’re way more powerful than you think you are.
You are way better than you think you are, but you’ve been hiding out.
You’ve been trapped in a bubble of fear.
Not just some of you…
But all of you!
I don’t care where you are in life…
You’ve got another level.
See, what I think is true is that God gives us an incredible gift and that gift is potential.
Unlimited potential.
What any man or woman can do, we can do.
If we put our heart and soul into it…
and we back it up with work ethic, we can go out and have it.
The message: You are better, way better than you think you are.
What I wish I knew at 20 was that I was enough.
Stop hiding.
Get out of the shadows.
Let’s go create something beautiful.
Let’s go make a massive difference in the world together and let’s live life full out!
If you want some advanced training on leadership
Feel free to hop over to LeadwithMatt.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.
I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post.
Go Make Life An Adventure
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire