My Warped Childhood Experience & How It Helped Me Become a Top Earner
I’ve never actually shared this story publicly before because I never really had a reason to. But last week when I was giving leadership training in Colombia, I understood why maybe I’m really good at something very important in network marketing.
When I was a kid, my grandparents had a place way out in the country in a little farming and ranching community here in Texas. Sipe Springs to be exact. If you’re ever driving by, don’t blink or you’ll miss it. I think there were maybe 100 people in the rural town.
I lived out there one summer when I was about 10 or 11.
My two cousins came to visit for a few days and we went out with our trusty BB guns to see what we could hunt.
My younger cousin Jon shot a bird and it fell out of the tree. Only the bird wasn’t dead. It was about half-dead and only halfway able to flap one of its wings.
It was a beautiful red bird so we scooped it up to examine it. You could tell the poor bird was in pain and could almost feel the intense fear it must have been feeling.
My cousin felt super guilty for shooting it and wanted to nurse it back to health. Me and my older cousin both felt sorry for the pretty little bird but let Jon know that it probably wouldn’t make it and we should probably shoot it and put it out of its misery.
My cousin, teary eyed, agreed. But he, rightfully so, said that if we shoot it with the BB gun it might not die so we should shoot it with a shotgun.
So we went to see my grandfather, Travis, to get the shotgun.
Now my grandfather was a very hard man. Aside from our cocker spaniel, he didn’t seem to have a heart whatsoever for animals.
When I presented the poor injured bird in my hands asking for the shogun, Travis said, “I’m not going to waste a shotgun shell on that damn bird. Just pull its head off.”
At this point, you could hear my cousin start to cry.
Personally, it seemed somehow less gruesome to shoot it than to pull its head off with my bare hands.
So I just stood there kind of paralyzed holding the bird not wanting to be the killer for this innocent animal.
Well, my grandfather was not the kind of man who took insubordinance well. If he told you to do something, you were damn sure expected to do it.
The next thing I remember was him yelling,
So, rather than receive the wrath of whatever unknown punishment might come from disobeying my grandfather…
I pulled its head off.
My cousin shrieked and I just, well, threw the carcass out into the yard feeling regret and guilt for my murderous act.
What the hell does this have to do with Network Marketing?
Network Marketing TIP: You Should Have No Emotional Attachment to Rejection and Negative Things That Happen in your Business
Well, I’m not 100% sure. But it might explain why I’m ridiculously good at that “very important” thing I mentioned in the beginning of this email.
That very important thing is having no emotional attachment to rejection and the negative things that happen in your business.
That experience, combined with many others I’ll share another time, hardened me allowing me to deal with rejection and loss.
You see, one of the biggest reasons people fail in network marketing is because they get their feelings hurt.
What I’ve mastered is having no emotional attachment to:
- People saying no
- People who tell you it’ll never work
- People who lie to you and tell you they’ll show up and don’t
- People who tell you they’re going to enroll and don’t
- People who quit
- People who quit, bad mouth your company and then try to recruit your downline away.
For whatever reason, maybe it’s my tough-as-nails grandfather, I just figure people do what people do. If I spend time letting it affect me emotionally, it takes away from me moving forward and producing.
And listen, don’t get me wrong, I’ve had plenty of moments where I’ve let things affect me. But compared to most, I’m able to let it go and move on.
If you try and play the game to try and figure out why people do the things they do, you’ll waste your life away. I wouldn’t play that game.
Do what you have to do, aside from pulling a bird’s head off, to get rid of your emotional attachment to people doing things you don’t like!
Lots of love,
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
P.S. – If you’d like to get a deep dive into the psychology of what’s allowed me to win at the highest levels in our profession for the past 20 years, pick up my book over at You might even get to hear a few more of my warped stories. 🙂
You may also READ our previous blog post about “Dealing With Rejection in Network Marketing – Enemy #1”.
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